Rabu, 03 Agustus 2011

Product review Polygon Metro 3.0

Below I wrote down product review of Polygon Metro 3.0, a fold able bike that i've used for 2 months.

The design is mainstream, almost similar like other folding bike, but some flaws are the joint (welding) result between frames that looks untidy.

It weighs around tenths of kilogram, not so differ from other brands.
The second flaw is the rubber for stand guard is not tight fit on the tip. Once i've lost it when I used it to go to my office, but then I notice that it still stick on the groove of my home carport :p
I should stick it tightly with a power glue.
Check picture.

Folding city bike most of them are completed with gear ratio so you can conquer uphills. The switch is located in the right hand near the hand grip. Sometime trouble happened when the handgrip also twisted when you want to switch gear, so the handgrip will move to the outside of the handbar.
See pictures below.

I think that if I put glue on it, my hand will be troubled that the hand grip will hold my gear switch movement.
Until now I haven't found solution to this problem.

And the last is that maybe I should bought bike with suspension. If you think city streets are not bumpy? You wrong. In some points, there are craters ready to swallow them that uncautious :p
Or maybe that the shape of the seat is "split" my butt? I think so. Compare to motorcycle seat that broader.
The choice is yours, remember, ride safely.

Sabtu, 09 Juli 2011

Social media 4.0??

Did you still have your Friendster account? And did you still remember the password?
Im not. I've deleted my account because its too complicated to have many social media accounts. YM, Facebook, Twitter and Blogger. Many accounts with many passwords?? Yikes! 
And now, there comes a new social media machine!
Friendster became the first social media that came up around 2006. At first, it only connect people with text. Then, came Facebook with picture upload, share and tagging feature. Facebook also combine between realtime text and regular text, like Instant Messaging (chat) and text (wall). 
Pictures, walls, chat, comments, events, ads and solala solala are those you'll see in Facebook. Dont want to be bothered with that, just move to Twitter. Compact and worldwide connected social media is the simplest way to enjoy it.
The best thing for Twittter is that you can follow your idols without have to become his/her friend (like in Facebook). But Facebook is also dont want to loose its customer, by create the "like" button, you will also automatically recieve newsfeed from person you like. Dont forget also the "mention" technology in Facebook.
Now Facebook has an opponents, Google+.
Honestly that I have no idea what is Google+. some info said that its not yet being public, you must wait for the invitation from it. We should wait longer :p

But Facebook is not yet to be done, because they will provide video chat and conference chat for its customers.
Sorry, but the news is in Indonesian.

I think the real contender for Facebook is Instagram.
If in Twitter you share words, in Instagram you share photos.
The first story is Instagram was made specially for iPhone! Now it expanded to many OS. Here is some info about Instagram :)
Social media 4.0? 
Bet ya do! 
I think since a year ago, people in Indonesia (specifically) is mad about photography hobby. And this people-SLR-armed is just not produce family portrait. 
Kind of sephia, artistic pictures and solala.
Instagram is now available for iOS, Android, Blackberry, MAC, Web, Windows and Symbian :p
Sometimes i share photos in Facebook or by email. I also has many many photo collections. But just put it in my 1tb hard disk is useless. I'd love to share them.
Well, now im confirmed that I want to have an Instagram account immediately!

Kamis, 16 Juni 2011

Credit Card Interest Rate

Biar blog gue banyak yang baca, tentu gue harus ngasih ilmu yang berguna bagi nusa bangsa atau info yang berguna bagi nusa bangsa juga :p
So, gue kasih deh data bunga kartu kredit yang berhasil gue kumpulin dalam dua hari ini.
Note, kalo yang ada linknya, berarti data itu rasional n bisa anda cek sendiri. Kalo yang ga ada linknya berarti:
1. Gue tanya langsung ke cabang terdekat, atau
2. Penerbit kartu kredit ga nyediain info di website mereka n gue ga nemu cabang penerbit yang terdekat hehe.
Viel spaß beim Lesen.
Interest list:

Mandiri: 3,5%

BCA: 3,5%  (in the website cannot be found)

Citibank: 3,5%

BRI: 2,85%  (in the website cannot be found)
sumber dari bertanya ke Bank BRI Cabang Jakarta Selatan

BNI: 2,95%

HSBC: 3,5%

ANZ Panin:         (in the website cannot be found)

BII: 3,5%; gestun: 4%

Permata Bank: 0%; 0,88%; 1,39% (there are many schematic interest methods)

Standard Chartered: retail 3,59%, cash advance: 4%

CIMB Niaga: retail 3,25%, cash advance 3,75%

Note: all interests are in % per month value.

Minggu, 12 Juni 2011

Culture war

2011, in Jakarta theres so many foreign artist concert, like in Java Jazz Festival, Deftones, Justin Bieber, Avril Lavigne and many more. 
Gosh, wish i have a lots of money.
Dont forget about the KIMCHI Concert, consist of many Korean musicians sing their song, dancing held in 4th June 2011. 
Korean culture since i think 5 years ago enter Indonesia with the legendary "Winter Sonata" Korean drama. After that Indosiar found its viewers segment by playing K-drama like My Sassy Girl, Hotelier and many many drama titles.
Culture war? Yes! 
Dont forget other famous korean brands like Hyundai, KIA, Samsung, LG and Lejel Home Shopping. For Ssanyong, although its a koreans car brand, its engine used Mercedes-Benz engine.
Remember in the 70s, japan cars enter Indonesia and there was a riot named "Malary Tragedy"? the core of the story is about banning japanese cars in that time.
90s, remember the japanese drama? 
Or american drama like Beverly Hills 90210? Melrose Place?
Indias movies lined up in SCTV?
Vampire movies in Saturday morning in RCTI?
and in 2000 taiwanese drama F4? (sorry, i forgot The name) :p 
Dont forget the duet of Upin-Ipin from Malaysia.

How about our indonesian culture? Did our goverment promoted too? 
Yes, we have cultural mission went abroad, or did you remember about foreigners that studied our batik, gamelan and many of them?
Yup, we did!
Thats in the official ways, in "inofficial" ways, we had our musicians having concert abroad (Malaysia, Singapore or Hongkong).
In my opinion, this is the greatest culture war from our side. Some of the spectators are not Indonesians migrant workers.
Although the news is not so often, but still our musicians has a place in their fans heart outside Indonesia, shown as Indonesian musicians as nominees in Anugerah Planet Muzik, like this lonk below:
Happy reading.


Kamis, 09 Juni 2011

Mr marketing, Sumardy

Its been a loong long time that i've absent blogging world, now im back and lets get into it. Now lets talk about sumardy. 
This guy suddenly became famous about his advertisement company promotions methods by sending coffins to media companies.
He has twitter account http://mobile.twitter.com/sumarketer/about and he runs a marketing company named Buzz&Co.
He said that marketing method by advertisement is out of date. Through his book he wants to introduce "word of mouth" marketing. Book title is 'Rest in Peace Advertising Killed by Word Mouth Agency'

Now he's famous, not only in media, but also with police and book readers. He must be interogated for "unpleasant act" (tindakan tidak menyenangkan) and his books were sold.
Some media companies were reported him to the police, but one media denies for doing it (see link below):

Well, new ideas at first are controversial, he should look for an marketing project to proove your hipothesis about the dead of advertising.
Welcome mr Sumardy :)

Selasa, 19 April 2011


Indonesia, terletak diantara benua asia dan australia, diantara samudra hindia n samudra pasifik, persis dillintasi garis katulistiwa. Dengan penduduk terbesar keempat didunia, sumberdaya alam melimpah, growing middle class, sounds interesting, maybe?!
Jika ada orang asing mau berinvestasi di indonesia, maka harus dilihat apakah bidang usaha yang ingin mereka geluti bertentangan dengan Daftar Negatif Investasi (DNI) ato tidak. 
Sebagai contoh mudah, apakah jasa perdagangan impor seperti lejel home shopping boleh dimiliki asing? Tentu boleh. Apalagi lejel home ini dimiliki oleh korea. Dalam bidang usaha perdagangan besar impor ini asing boleh bermain dengan kepemilikan saham hingga 100%. 
Dan sebagai contoh sulit, apakah asing boleh berusaha dibidang transportasi umum bertrayek seperti angkot atau metromini?
Dan di kitab suci bernama DNI, dikatakan tidak boleh. Pembatasan bidang usaha dalam DNI terjadi karena perlindungan terhadap "kepentingan nasional".(http://www.setneg.go.id/components/com_perundangan/docviewer.php?id=1829&filename=Peraturan_Presiden_No_76_th_2007.pdf)

Contoh pada 2 bidang usaha yang mirip, tetapi berada dalam lingkup DNI yang berbeda.
Jasa usaha transportasi udara bertrayek dan berjadwal (perusahaan penerbangan garuda cs) dan jasa angkutan darat bertrayek (angkot cs).
Disini kita bisa lihat bahwa ada bermacam2 brand perusahaan penerbangan dan disini perusahaan asing boleh beroperasi, seperti perusahaan bernama cardig, air asia cs.
Bahkan dengan kesepakatan open sky oleh sesama negara asean, malaysia airlines bisa beroperasi hingga husein sastranegara! 
Silahkan cek disini: http://www.malaysiaairlines.com/id/en.html
Siapa yang diuntungkan? Tentu konsumen. Barudak bandung tiasa nonton Formula 1 ato motogp ti Sepang, tanpa perlu ke soekarno-hatta. Maskapai dalan negeri harus memutar otak, memberikan pelayanan yang lebih baik sehingga bisa bersaing.

Tapi ketika kita lihat di bidang usaha jasa angkutan darat bertrayek (angkot cs), TRAGIS!!
Lihatlah realita yang ada sekarang, transportasi darat di indonesia terbengkalai, nyaris jelek semua entah di desa atau dikota. Angkot mogok, bis reyot keropos dinaiki puluhan orang, berjejalan, tidak nyaman apalagi manusiawi.
Siapa yang diuntungkan disini? Itukah "kepentingan nasional"? Ataukah itu hanya kepentingan segelintir pengusaha transportasi?

Dengan adanya kompetisi, setiap perusahaan yang ada akan membuat strategi, bagaimana bisa bersaing dengan perusahaan yang lain? Bagaimana membuat penumpang memilih bisnya atau angkotnya bukan berdasarkan karena bis/angkot itu satu2nya kendaraan yang ada, tetapi karena kendaraan itulah yang paling nyaman, aman untuk dinaiki.
Tapi ternyata tidak ada perubahan apa-apa.
Tapi dengan proteksionisme bernama "kepentingan nasional" ini, rakyat mendapatkan pelayanan alakadarnya.
Saya menulis ini memang karena saya memang pro barat. Saya menjadi pro barat karena saya sudah sangat muak dengan angkutan umum yang ada diindonesia ini. 

Jadi, masih percaya "kepentingan nasional"???!

Selasa, 12 April 2011

Dimanakah channel orang berilmu nonton tivi???

Tivi, entah tabung ato plasma, HD ato analog jadi hiburan yang bisa dibilang gratis (kecuali anda berlangganan tivi kabel). Di tivi anda bisa lihat semuanya, gedung baru DPR, bobroknya anggota DPR, nurdin halid, peristiwa tsunami jepang bahkan untuk meyetel DVD :p
Biaya investasi stasiun tivi non kabel amatlah besar, karena pemasukan mereka berasal dari iklan dan untuk memancing oenonton, mereka harus menyediakan tayangan yang menggigit pula. Sinetron, debat kusir politik atau sepak bola jadi magnet penonton, jadi pendongkrak rating n aliran dana pengiklan. 
Setiap tivi juga punya segmennya masing2, ada yang untuk kelas A, B sampai D. Penggolongan kelas ini bersumber dari tingkat pendidikan sampai tingkat penghasilan. But thats enough, gue ga mau ngomong soal klasifikasi membingungkan itu.
Lalu stasiun tivi manakah yang jadi favorit gue??
Gue lebih suka nonton iklan, terutama iklan rokok. Dengan gaya iklan yang berbeda2 dari tiap merk, iklan rokok menyajikan idealisme, anti kemapanan, kreativitas, kritik, dan imajinasi terhadap dunia ini (mungkin dalam beberapa sisi, mereka utopis) tapi iklan rokok buat gue adalah iklan ternendang dari seluruh isi stasiun tivi itu sendiri.
Btw, gue udah berhenti 8 tahun dari merokok.