Sabtu, 29 Juni 2013

Perang Kopi Siap Minum

Kopi, adalah komoditas kedua atau ketiga terbanyak diperdagangkan didunia setelah minyak bumi dan emas (data anonim).
Perang kopi siap minum di Indonesia kian memanas, setelah Good Day merilis kopi siap minum, iklan Good Day gaul dan Kopiko merilis produk baru, Kopiko 78°C, iklannya lebih gencar tayang di primetime stasiun televisi.

Iklan Kopiko 78°C ini memakai gaya yang asyik, fun, dan stylish dengan jingle musik pop barat terkini (pada saat diiklankan). Iklan ini mencoba membangun persepsi bahwa Kopiko 78°C ini fun dan stylish.

Latar belakang iklan bervariasi, mulai dari ruang kantor sampai seperti stand kopi ternama, lengkap dengan papan tulis kapur, coffee machine dan deretan gelas-gelas.

Model yang ditampilkan berupa model diatas rata-rata, pria kaukasian (atau yang sering disebut bule), wanita cantik dan pria berjas dan bercelemek hijau tua (yang ingin diasumsikan seorang barista gerai kopi hijau tua).

"78°C extraction... Rich taste and aroma with caramelised milk... Perfect." Narasinya menggunakan campuran bahasa indonesia dan inggris memberikan kesan modern dan stylish.

Pemain lama kopi siap minum terdiri dari Birdy, Wong Coco dan Nescafe, kompetitor menawarkan rasa yang terbatas, sementara Nescafe menawarkan bermacam rasa, original, latte dan mocaccino (kalo ga salah).

Pemain lama ini sepertinya tidak peduli dengan gencarnya iklan Kopiko 78°C di televisi, adem ayem saja, ga ada iklan tandingan atau iklan baru dari mereka. Entah Birdy sudah di discontinue tetapi terakhir Nescafe sibuk beriklan produk Nescafe Stickpack dengan celebrity endorsement, Raisa.

iklan nescafe stickpack feat raisa

Teori lain yang dapat diaplikasikan: halo effect.
Teori ini menyatakan bahwa citra produk yang diiklankan terpengaruh dari elemen lain yang ada dalam iklan seperti celebrity endorsement atau jingle, seperti yang digunakan dalam iklan kopiko 78°C, Maroon 5 One more Night.

Musik menjadi salah satu bumbu dalam iklan, dan aplikasi musik luar negeri kedalam iklan di Indonesia gue rasa masih jarang.
Jika orang yang pernah menonton iklan ini kemudian mendengar lagu One More Night, ia kemungkinan akan teringat dengan iklan Kopiko 78°C, begitu pula sebaliknya.
Hal ini membantu memperkuat daya ingat yang diharapkan berujung dengan konsumsi.

Kelemahan iklan: jingle dirasa agak basi, mengingat saat ini (ketika tulisan ini dibuat), Maroon 5 sudah merilis video klip kelima, Love Somebody. Gue udah lamaa ga nonton televisi indonesia berjam-jam, dana apakah video klip musisi luar negeri masih sering ditayangkan di televisi lokal?
Jika tidak, maka tingkat ke-basian lagu ini lebih ringan dari estimasi.

Target konsumen: Kopiko 78°C ini menyasar segmen anak muda yang mapan, first jobber dengan daya beli lumayan atau mulai bertumbuh, dengan menampilkan model yang muda (>25 tahun), bukan remaja.

Perceptual blocking.
Konsumen yang juga fans Maroon 5 mungkin menolak iklan ini karena mereka enggan mendengar lagu idolanya digunakan sebagai jingle iklan.

Sementara untuk iklan kopi siap minum Good Day "Gaul", menampilkan animasi dengan pulau yang melayang dan adegan lainnya yang tidak mungkin dilakukan didunia nyata (menarik matahari, meluncur diatas pelangi, melompati biji kopi ukuran raksasa yang melompat-lompat dan sebagainya).

Sebagian cuplikan narasi:
"Gaul itu elo ga pernah sendirian, gaul itu punya banyak rasa...."

Target konsumen.
Iklan ini menggunakan appeal fun yang imajinatif, yang sepertinya menyasar segmen remaja (anak sekolah SMP-SMA), segmen dengan daya beli terbatas yang minum kopi sebagai identitas gaul, belum berfokus pada rasa.
Sayangnya iklan yang terlalu imajinatif ini membuat kesan minuman ini dikhususkan untuk anak-anak.

Decision making process.
Minum kopi tidak hanya untuk mengusir kantuk, tetapi juga sebagai bentuk pencarian kepuasan ekstrim terhadap produk yang ada, daripada minum air putih, makanya ada yang suka kopi pahit, kopi joss atau produk kopi lain yang ekstrim.

Seperti analogi minum alkohol yang memiliki bermacam kadar, terlepas dari fungsinya (menghangatkan badan), minum alkohol dengan dosis tinggi sebagai bentuk pencapaian kepuasan ekstrim.

Apakah iklan2 ini sukses? kita serahkan kepada penonton.

Rabu, 15 Mei 2013

Failed investment

Some of us may be surprised from foreign companies that have investment plans in Indonesia, but does it feasible?
Here is my analysis (from my imagination) on failed investment that (may or has) shock Indonesia.

Metro AG goes to Indonesia.
Metro AG its a shopping chain from Germany, they said it is a big company. As far as I can remember, there is no store named Metro in Germany. Yeah, maybe they use and operate their subsidiaries instead of their real company name. 
Anyway, To enter Indonesia there is at least three obstacles exists.
First is that there is already Metro Dept Store, singaporean company selling high price brands and items. To enter Indonesia with their name Metro means conflicting with name, copyright and there'll be long fight in intellectual property right before enter the real battle (store).
Second problem: that Jakarta as capitol city of Indonesia already dense with shopping center, especially A class malls, full with high foreign retail chains like Debenhams, Metro, Sogo, Seibu, Lotte etc. 
Third problem is that there is no more empty space for A class mall in at least in Jakarta, and to enter/conquer Indonesia is by enter the capitol city then spread to other cities. But align to Metro AG target market are middle-high income that mostly located in big cities, so Metro AG (i think) must open in Jakarta then spread to other cities.

Bullet train Jakarta-Surabaya.
Yes, this news i've read twice. 
The first one that american investor want to invest in bullet train that took only 4 hours from Jakarta to Surabaya, aaaaand its gone.
The second news i'be heard from french company that operates TGV, the bullet train that want to invest in Indonesia, also aim the same market as the american, and its gone. Why?
At least there are two point thats make them unwilling to proceed.
First, that investment in rail/train are expensive, cos you have to build your own railroad, station, electrical network, signaling etc and as far as i can remember that both foreign company wanted to join/put their business on existing infrastructure made by PT KAI. If  i am PT KAI i will reject it, it will be messing my current business, even though they offer interesting project (bullet train). The foreign business use my infrastructure to run their business here, and they should know that Javanese railroad has high traffic.
Second problem is that LCC (low-cost carrier) in Indonesia is booming, it costs you rp400.000 to fly from Jakarta to Surabaya one way and it took around an hour compared to bullet train, that i assumed cost more than rp1.000.000 to afford (consider the investment, technology (train etc) and profit).
So, bye bye bullet train hehe.

Another failed investment will be brainstorm soon.

Kamis, 21 Februari 2013

Bagian dari evolusi

Bagian dari evolusi, seperti apa yang telah terjadi jutaan tahun yang lalu dimana moluska berevolusi menjadi vertebrata air dan kemudian hidup didaratan menjadi nenek moyang dinosaurus. Dinosaurus punah akibat selimut debu yang menyelubungi bumi, dan membuat mamalia kecil bertahan. Entah apakah benar manusia adalah keturunan kera hingga manusia purba, tetapi evolusi terus berjalan.
Dan kini kita tiba di tahun 2013, evolusi apa lagi yang bisa terjadi kepada kita?
Masih ada!

Situasi di luar negeri, dimana senior resident walking with dog, buah-buahan di supermarket dijual dalam porsi kecil (semangka, melon). N kalo lu pernah ke eropa, pasti jarang lihat iklan produk bayi, lebih sering lihat iklan asuransi dan online shopping di tivi. :p

Lihatlah negara2 maju (Skandinavia, US, Eropa), banyak orang yang hidup sendiri, cowo/cewe yg ga nikah, entah ga nemu jodohnya atau pilihan ini diambil menjadi jalan hidupnya. Who knows?

Asia, Amerika Selatan dan Afrika adalah obyek terakhir dari evolusi ini. Jepang, Hong Kong dan Singapura sedang mengalaminya saat ini. Kian sibuknya manusia, sempitnya ruang kota, tingginya biaya hidup dan terbatasnya waktu membuat mereka menjadi tekun, giat bekerja, efisien dan memiliki keluarga kecil.
Apakah mereka juga bagian dari evolusi?

Banyak anak banyak rejeki, hanya berlaku untuk keluarga pengemis. :p

Jumat, 25 Januari 2013

Disewakan apartemen

Disewakan Apartemen Kalibata Residence dengan Tower E spesifikasi 2 kamar tidur, 1 dapur kecil, 1 kamar mandi, full furnished, 2 AC, luas bangunan 33m2,
Biaya sewa:
Rp 10 juta per tiga bulan,
Rp 20 juta per enam bulan, atau
Rp 37 juta per tahun.
Deposit 3,5 juta, akan dikembalikan apabila kontrak selesai.

Apartment Kalibata Residence for rent, 3, 6 or 12 months. Full furnished. 2 BR, 1 toilet, 1 mini kitchen, 2 AC. 10m/3mo, 20m/6mo, 37m/12mo. Deposit Rp 3.5 million, will be returned after the contract is finished.
Call: +62-815-8944-362

Minggu, 02 Desember 2012

Just another Bali

Bali, island of paradise that has international reputation, either from its tourism or from two times terrorist attack (Bali Bombing I and II).

And what does Bali have now? Yeah, there's some progress (no more "heavy" traffic congestion) in Jl Legian in certain period (not include office hour, after hour and clubbing hour) 😜 and serious bottleneck in Jl Blambangan-Kuta that must be top priority.

Everybody still visit Kuta beach, although (almost) every beaches in Bali (or even in the universe) are same, sand and sea. Dont forget the massage, tattoo and braid services that you MUST bargained before received it. If you dont want it, just say no, and they'll leave you alone.
Kuta is quite clean, friendly and its very Bali. Some officer clean it every morning, picked all those trashes. Kuta beach is better to visit in dusk or dawn. Many dogs are seen on beach, some moslem visitor may uncomfortable with them.

Hotel: I stayed in Swiss-Belhotel Kuta or Bali Kuta Resort, room is huge! With separated living room and bedroom :)
Coz hotels layout is rectangular, to stay here I recommend you to have pool view rather than outside view (depends on your taste). Img.

Cozy room, but lack of hotel slippers, bad water drainage on shower and unfortunately my room has other guest, ants! I'v told the receptionist and they suggest me to tell it earlier for room service to clean them up. I think the ants has nest near my room or somewhere.

Shopping become core of Bali's tourism (if you know what i mean), and there are many places worth for shopping, like Joger or Krisna. Joger has only three branches and recently it sells common things that you can found in street vendors.

Krisna, most famous shopping destination has many branches surrounding Kuta area! Well done bli, well done.

As far as I observed, most shopping places are visited by local tourist! (Are foreigners wake up late??)

I saw some chinese and middle east tourist but not many.
For those who are in rush catch up flight, I recommend to visit Krisna. They have (almost) all type if souvenir sell in Bali.

Tourist attraction:
Natural landscapes, art performances or educational places, and what else can we see in Bali?
Just sit there, relax, enjoy the view without rushing here and there, annoyingly taking pictures as most tourist did.

GWK is still the same, the head and body of Wisnu still separated from his Garuda and his hand, and people still visited it. Some drivers said that Dreamland beach is the new happening place worth to visit, but had no time, I visited most mainstream tourist visit.

Though I visited Bali more than three times, Bali still not disappointing, Bali never lost it's charm.

Senin, 12 November 2012

Foods and beverages that must be tried when you visit, Australia

Most (but not many) travellers demand to enjoy local specialty like food or beverage when they visited a region, village, city or even a country.

This time is Australia.

Its quite hard to find local flavour there coz Australia is a "salad", a mixed country consist of many culture and races so the people (or restaurant) tend to bring culinary flavour from their origin, luckily i found two traditional beverages and two traditional foods there.

The first two beverages is Bundaberg Ginger Beer and Solo soda. Ginger beer actually just a soda with ginger taste, better to serve chilled ;)

Solo soda is one of the traditional pub non-alcohol beverage, taste almost similar to Sprite, but i think Solo is has stronger lemon taste.

The first food must be tried is Vegemite, this authentic Australian spread or jam made from fermented barley which is side product of beer making. Taste like cheese (a bit) but it wont make you drunk anyway.
Some said that if you ate Vegemite, it will fluent your english and has australian accent :p

The second food must tried in Australia is Kangaroo steak! Yep, Kangaroo!
I recommend you to buy it in local supermarket like Coles or Woolworths than order it in steak house/restaurant (in case it will cost higher). In Coles 0.5kg Kangaroo steak costs around A$11, already marinated.
The meat is solid dark red, not marbling like wagyu or other beef cut.
The taste depends on the seasoning/marinating ingredients.
To grill it, dont make it well done, but try to make it medium/half to avoid it become hard.
Taste? Delicious! :q

Kamis, 20 September 2012

Akhir Pekan

Bertemu sabtu itu seru,
Ia menyapa dengan manis,
seolah tahu bahwa aku perlu liburan setelah stress berat senin hingga jumat.
"ayo bagus, mari kita bersenang-senang, nonton film, jalan-jalan, makan-makan, bermalas-malasan seeeeepuasnya... Semuanya boleh!"
Aaaah Ia tahu aku cinta hari sabtu, padahal aku lahir dihari rabu.

Malam minggupun tiba,
Aku merasa memasuki pertapaan panjang, sebuah penghayatan akan indahnya akhir pekan... Akhir pekan yang tak kan kusia-siakan tiap momennya.

Ketika sampai dihari minggu,
the fun is still in the air! Bersenang-senang, sepuasnya, segila-gilanya!

Ketika senja pun tiba,
Terasa sedih dan sendu
Ku tau hal ini pasti datang...

Why people put saturday and sunday too close, while they put monday and friday so far .__.