Sabtu, 16 Juni 2012

Pilkada dalam Perspektif Marketing

 Its been a long long time that I havent written any blog in bahasa Indonesia. Well, if you are foreign reader, try to put it in google translate or ask someone to translate it for you :D

Tahun ini akan banyak pilkada datang silih berganti di Republik Indonesia, mulai Pilkada DKI Jakarta bulan Juli ini, Pilkada Kalimantan Barat, Jawa Barat dan Riau tahun 2013 serta klimaksnya Pemilu Legislatif dan Presiden-Calon Presiden di 2014. Pemilihan kepala daerah pada dasarnya adalah salah satu kegiatan marketing, yaitu bagaimana cara calon pemimpin membangkitkan kesadaran (awareness), menarik simpati (attract), membuat para pemilih memilih calon pasangan tertentu (acquire), mempertahankan preferensi/loyalitas (retain) dan meningkatkan loyalitas pemilih (grow) dimasa depan. Istilah-istilah tersebut saya rasa cukup akrab ditelinga para Marketer.

Marketing tidak hanya terbatas menjual barang dan jasa saja, seseorangpun dapat "dijual" melalui metode marketing seperti Barack Obama, Oprah Winfrey ataupun Syahrini yang selalu membuat berita dimedia elektronik. Oke, cukuplah menyebut nama mereka, kembali ke urusan marketing dalam pilkada.

Dalam pilkada terkadang ada situasi dimana petahana (incumbent) atau seseorang yang masih menjabat/berkuasa turut serta dalam pemilihan berikutnya, sementara dalam dunia marketing hal ini dapat dianalogikan menjadi suatu produk atau jasa yang menjadi mayoritas/market leader. Bagaimana caranya new entrant dapat mencuri market share dari market leader?

Eh tapi bukan cuma mencuri, melainkan bagaimana caranya menyingkirkan sang market leader! Karena dalam pilkada tidak ada gunanya menjadi market nicher atau follower bila dibandingkan dengan marketing barang dan jasa.

Dan sekarang saatnya dimulai sesi ilmiah 
Rossiter (2011) menyatakan bahwa trik agar new entrant dapat merebut market share dari new entrant yang masuk lebih awal ada tiga: (1) menghadirkan produk yang superior, atau jika tidak bisa (2) menghabiskan usaha lebih banyak dalam promosi dan (3) menggunakan saran promosi lebih efektif.

Apa definisi superior dalam pilkada?
Latar belakang pendidikan?
Pekerjaan? Jabatan?
Pengalaman memimpin?
Definisi superioritas menjadi nisbi, karena semua calon memiliki latar belakang yang berbeda-beda, sama seperti kita membandingkan iPhone 4S dengan telepon genggam dengan harga Rp 300 ribu. Apakah konsumen benar-benar memerlukan iPhone 4S sementara digunakan hanya untuk telepon dan SMS?
Tergantung kepada keperluan konsumen.

Superioritas dapat didefinisikan sebagai tingginya jumlah konsumen produk yang bersangkutan. Semakin tinggi jumlah konsumen diterjemahkan semakin disukai suatu produk dalam kombinasi cost-benefit (semakin rendah cost dan semakin tinggi benefit).
Dalam hal pilkada, jumlah konsumen dapat diasosiasikan menjadi jumlah pendukung. Apakah jumlah pendukung pada saat kampanye sama dengan jumlah pemilih pada hari H nanti? Belum tentu.
Masih ada faktor cost-benefit yang masih ditimbang-timbang para pemilih untuk memilih si X, Y atau Z.

Cost-benefit dalam pilkada bukan hanya waktu yang tersita untuk datang ke TPS, melainkan juga resiko jangka panjang apabila produk yang dipilih tidak dapat memenuhi ekspektasi konsumen ataupun manfaat yang timbul setelah purchasing/pencoblosan/pencontrengan.
Masih ingat lagu Cokelat "Lima Menit Untuk Lima Tahun"? Mungkin judulnya bisa diubah menjadi "Lima Menit Menyesal Lima Tahun".

Pilkada bukanlah produk yang dapat dengan mudah diganti seperti sabun atau makanan, pilkada merupakan produk unik yang dibeli satu atau dua kali namun memiliki efek jangka panjang yang terkadang tidak memiliki dampak apa-apa terhadap konsumennya.
Dalam hal ini, tingkat apatis konsumen menjadi tinggi.

Superioritas menjadi relatif, apabila para calon memiliki kaliber jabatan, pendidikan dan pengalaman yang sangat tinggi, ataupun sama sekali tidak atraktif dimata pemilih. Sehingga para calon harus menghabiskan sumberdaya untuk berpromosi alias kampanye.

Bagaimana kelanjutan analisis Rossiter dalam perspektif pilkada? Tunggu kelanjutan tulisan ini hehe ;)

(kok berasa kayak cerpen ya?)

Senin, 11 Juni 2012


Its a busy weeks for me, because im having exam.
Huff luckily i've read notes pieces by pieces a week before.
Some said "Repetition is king"
Well, this time i'll going to prove it.
Btw, actually i already have drafts for another blogpost, but still...
Due to the exam, it should be postponed untill this weekend.
Well, happy waiting then.

Sabtu, 02 Juni 2012

Greek Coffee

Greek coffee, I don't know about it until I saw it on the supermarket shelves. I forgot about the price, I think its below $10 for this size (500 grams). 
Price came first for buying preference hehehe...
In spite curiosity also.

So, how to enjoy it? The is instruction on back side of the packing, enjoy not by brewing it with a hot water, but boil it with a Briki (a small pot). Add water, sugar and coffee on a pot and then put it on a stove until its boiling.

The texture of the coffee powder is fine grinded.

This is what a kind of Briki looks like.

Hows bout taste?
The taste is actually shocking! It tastes bold like chocolate as my first impression. If you ever tried Balinese Coffee, both taste quite similar. 

After consumes it many times, I can taste the sour of the bean, but its not as strong as the choco-taste.

For the best sip experience, I recommend you to add less sugar on it. 

Happy sipping! ☕

NB: One thing that I've learned from brewing this coffee is that should be keep in mind if you want to buy a coffee, try to buy it in small amount, although its more expensive. Why? 
Because the more you bought lot amount of coffee, the more you drink it like an ordinary beverages. Sipping coffee is not like that, it is a lifestyle and there's a ritual inside it.

Sabtu, 26 Mei 2012

Melbourne Street Festival (Kartini's Day) 2012

Kartini's day is a day where Indonesia celebrate the birth day of Kartini, Indonesia's emancipation heroine. The celebration is held every 21st of April.

In Melbourne, Kartini's day is celebrated in a different manner like in Indonesia. 29 April 2012 was hold Indonesia Street Festival. The event was held in Queen Victoria market, Melbourne.

How to understand a culture in an quick way? By a culinary experience.

Stands sell foods like sate, Empek-empek and beverages like Teh Tarik.

Visitors seems very exited with sate by the Indonesia Moslem Community Victoria, lots of people queue to get their order.

There were also other fellow southeast Asian countries like Malaysia and Singapore presenting Nasi Lemak and Chicken Rice.

Theres also a live performance on stage. When I first arrived, the sound mixer was playing Mulan Jameela :p
When somebody does a performance, he sang an english pop song.

When I was walking around, I saw a advertisement of Indonesia Satay Festival for couple of weeks ahead.

Well, you just wait for the coverage from me. :)

And the post has finished (hell yeah!) See the post through this link .

Minggu, 15 April 2012

Questionnaire Publication II: The Tiger of Asia

How to measure country development level is by compare it with other country.
This blog is the second part from the “Questionnaire Publication

The Tiger of Asia.

I think every magazine always compare countries in Asia,
“Here is the tiger of Asia”
“Here is rising tiger of Asia”
“This was the tiger of Asia”

I think that there is three ways for any country to become the tiger of Asia,
First is to have a strong-semi authoritarian government, or
second, has willingness to step further or
third, do both.

If we monitor Southeast Asia, all the great 3 countries (Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore) have strong-semi authoritarian government. Although Thailand was shaken by the red-shirt movement to shake the current prime minister, Thailand’s monarchy stand still and with the military forces backed up. In case of Malaysia’s government, it’s dominated by the UMNO.

Both Malaysia and Singapore is backed up with Internal Security Act that allows the police to arrest person or a group up to 30 days (Singapore) or 60 days (Malaysia), to counter any Coup de etat or terrorism action. Seems that’s not humane, but that’s country prerogative. 

Those southeast Asian countries has semi-authoritarian government and succeeded lead the nation as the tigers of (southeast) Asia.

If we observe East Asia countries like Japan, Taiwan and South Korea. They are the tiger of Asia. 
One “happening” country is South Korea, from Kimchi to LG, south Korean product, food and lifestyle is everywhere. What happened to South Korea today is not happened in the blink of an eye.

South Korea is one of the victim of the cold war, it’s also been into dictatorship government under Syngman Rhee (The First Republic), The Second Republic and The Military Rule lead by Park Chung-hee.
The third republic established populist program in economy extended its governance up to the fourth republic but then his government went corrupt and after 18 years, he was murdered by Kim Jae-kyu, ended also the military rule in the fourth republic.

The fifth republic still marked with protest, political unrest and house detention for the opposition leader, started with Coup de etat on the current prime minister by Chun Doo-hwan in 1979. His government promised new era of economic and democratic justice, marked by the rise of South Korea’s economy, but also widen the gap between the rich and poor.
The fifth republic success marked by Asian Games 1986.

Remember back that the fifth republic was build from Coup de etat, it means that the government is still based on military government, not civilian. And again, another protest occurred caused by the Gwangju Massacre in 1987.
June 1987 marked the rise of the Republic of South Korea lead by Roh Tae-woo.
This status still remains until now.

1988 Olympic game was held in Seoul, after Roh Tae-woo step down, Kim Yong-sam was the first civilian president since 30 years, he did many breakthrough in economy and law, took former president Cun and Roh to court for bribery.

South Korea also suffered from the 1998 economic crisis,  as a great challenge for the new president, Kim Dae-jung. The government is doing aggresive effort in investment attracting, gold-collecting campaign and industry cooperation. South Korea succeeded out of the crisis in a relative short time.

In Kim’s era, industrial reconstruction with the big conglomerates were pursued, the national health system was introduce, education reform was introduced and the IT field is increased. 2002 cooperate south Korea with Japan as host for FIFA World Cup.

Roh Moo-hyun took the presidential chair in 2002, hee is succeeded to settling Korea-USA FTA issue and launch the high-speed train system. But then he was accused in corruption and bribery. Korean stock market was rose, but the unemployment and the housing prices were also high.
The lawsuit ended when he commit suicide in 2009.

Until now, the president of South Korea is Lee Myung-bak.

What can we learn from South Korea’s history?
  1. South Korea also have the dictatorship and military era. 
  2. What determine South Korea is that they has the continuity in its economic policy (strong government determination since 1960 until now), although each government era was the opposition that took place.
  3. The suppressive power cannot hold the people, corrupt government will force the people of South Korea to have another demonstration. 
How about Indonesia? Indonesia also has almost the same fate with South Korea, Soekarno's been close to the socialist block, after been coupe by Soeharto, Indonesia has similar progress with South Korea. But what differentiate them with South Korea is determination and continuity. Click here for international news about Indonesia's current President.

Sabtu, 14 April 2012

Questionnaire Publication

I prefer to write it in English so I can reach more reader to read, reflect or took ideas from this blog.

After I’m done doing a mini research from Facebook, the question is about “Why Indonesia is least developed, compare to other countries, which internal factor that respondent think that has greatest impact to the underdevelopment of Indonesia”
From the questionnaire result above we can see that:

In English, the result translated like this:

1. 0 respondent (0%) answer “the public official is lack of professionalism”
2. 0 respondent (0%) answer “the president is always rhetorical, no action”
3. 2 respondents (22.2%) answer “the parliament is useless”
4. 2 respondents (22.2%) answer “there is no intelligent person that can lead the nation”
5. 3 respondents (33.3%) answer “systematic corruption is everywhere, the law system is disorder”
6. 1 respondent ( 11.1%) answer “it was meant to be”
7. 0 respondent (0%) answer “the dark cycle of parties money politics”
8. 0 respondent (0%) answer “terrorism”
9. 1 respondent (11.1%) answer “cultural issue”

This survey has flaws, first, it is not represent the opinion from the Indonesian, it only catch 9 respondent from number of respondents that writers think he/she is active enough in Facebook (check his/her account).
The second flaw is that this survey provided by Facebook has limited questions that can be asked, a good survey should ask respondent in systematic way.

From this questionnaire we cannot conclude any clear argument, “what caused the ‘chaos’ in Indonesia?”

If I participated in this questionnaire, I would love to blame the president for all the mess now.

This writing continue to another blog, “Questionnaire Publication II: The Tiger of Asia

Sabtu, 07 April 2012

Excellanc Armband Uhr Kunden Bewertung

Es ist schon lange Geschichte, ich glaube es noch relevant.
2009 bis 2010, Wenn ich in Deutschland geblieben, ich interessiere mich für eine Armband Uhr kaufen. Zuerst gücke ich Geschäfte, die Fossil Armband Uhr verkaufen. Schade, es kostet mehr als €60. 

Währen die Zeit läuft, vergeße ich mein Ziel, Armband Uhr einzukaufen.

Und wenn ich in meine Souvenir laden eingetreten, das Geschäft steht gegenseitige von Berliner Dome, zufällig sehe ich eine Armband Uhr. Das Modell passt mir gut, mit Analoganzeige. 

Jetzt habe ich eine Armband Uhr in Berlin gekauft, der Name ist Excellanc. Es kostet nur €5. 

Was für mich wichtig ist, bis jetzt es noch funktioniert ist! Es ist schon zwei Jahren von Einkauf Zeit!
Der Akku ist noch nicht leer. Ich hab die einmal gefallen, und das Glas ist hat klein Gebrochen und es ist noch funktioniert.
Hier ist das letzte Bild.

Wow! Eine €5 Armband uhr geht noch bis heute.
Von 0 bis 5, meine Kunden Bewertung ist 10!