Kamis, 13 Januari 2011
hidup dengan semangat
gw mau buka awal baru. Gw ga mau berkampanye dgn resolusi,gw punya target apa saja yang harus gw capai. 2009-2010 adalah tahun yg spektakuler buat gw,ada suka ada duka. Tahun ini harus lebih seru dari tahun lalu.
Gue memulai kembali hobi2 lama gw seperti baca buku n memulai aksi.
Stop dgn urusan2 yg buang2 waktu,isi waktu dgn hal2 bermanfaat.
Dan saatnya memulai.
gw mau buka awal baru. Gw ga mau berkampanye dgn resolusi,gw punya target apa saja yang harus gw capai. 2009-2010 adalah tahun yg spektakuler buat gw,ada suka ada duka. Tahun ini harus lebih seru dari tahun lalu.
Gue memulai kembali hobi2 lama gw seperti baca buku n memulai aksi.
Stop dgn urusan2 yg buang2 waktu,isi waktu dgn hal2 bermanfaat.
Dan saatnya memulai.
Jumat, 12 November 2010
nguping bogor
sopir angkot: "skg kmana itu motor2 cina?udah ga ada kan?"
Penumpang: "iya,motor cina ga awet..."
sopir angkot: "sama juga kayak hape cina,600ribuan tapi ga awet.makany saya percaya nokia,produk jepang mah awet..."
penumpang: ??!
(penumpang ga kalah bingung,kalo si sopir ga tau kalo nama nokia itu asalny dari finlandia).
Penumpang: "iya,motor cina ga awet..."
sopir angkot: "sama juga kayak hape cina,600ribuan tapi ga awet.makany saya percaya nokia,produk jepang mah awet..."
penumpang: ??!
(penumpang ga kalah bingung,kalo si sopir ga tau kalo nama nokia itu asalny dari finlandia).
tips-tips mengikuti ujian
ya,pastinya penting buat para pemburu kerja maupun yg udh bosen ma kerjaan lama.so,lgsg aja:
1. ujian potensi akademik.
Kalo ini institusi pemerintah,biasanya jenis soal dibagi 2,soal buatan sendiri ato soal dari pihak ketiga (lembaga penguji/psikotes). So,tanya ajah ma panitianya.nanya juga ga bayar kok.soal buatan sndiri biasanya ada pertanyaan tentang instansi ybs,soal pihak ketiga biasanya mirip dgn soal2 ujian instansi swasta.
oh ya,karena ini tes potensi akademik,jadi HARUS ADU2 PINTAR N CERDAS.SANGAT DISARANKAN UNTUK BELAJAR,LATIHAN SOAL.!!! Bikin contekan ato minta tolong dukun tidak disarankan.
2. Psikotes
kalo yg ini modalnya gampang,tetap tenang.karena tes ini m'uji psikologi kita disaat ujian.disini ga ada jwbn benar ato salah.jadi yg abis berantem ma pacar harus tetap tenang,emosi HARUS STABIL!
3. Interview
yah,kalo ini pinter2 kita ngmg aja,tp jgn bohong,membual atau menghina kantor lama/kampus lain.tipsny adalah liat aja komentar politikus indonesia,mrka paling jago pas di interview wartawan,polisi,kejaksaan,mk ato kpk.
4. Tes toefl
kuncinya adalah nonton tv,dgrin lagu berbhsa inggris n latihan soal. Ikut kursus n beli buku tes toefl jg disarankan.
Tapi,ga cuma pintar,lu jg butuh keberuntungan.keberuntungan bisa lu dapet dgn bersungguh2 buat persiapan ujian,belajar n tidak nyontek.
Banyak2 doa jg cukup ampuh menambah keberuntungan.
So,viel glück buat yg mau ikut ujian2 :) toi toi toi!
Ich drücke die daumen ganz ganz ganz fest.
1. ujian potensi akademik.
Kalo ini institusi pemerintah,biasanya jenis soal dibagi 2,soal buatan sendiri ato soal dari pihak ketiga (lembaga penguji/psikotes). So,tanya ajah ma panitianya.nanya juga ga bayar kok.soal buatan sndiri biasanya ada pertanyaan tentang instansi ybs,soal pihak ketiga biasanya mirip dgn soal2 ujian instansi swasta.
oh ya,karena ini tes potensi akademik,jadi HARUS ADU2 PINTAR N CERDAS.SANGAT DISARANKAN UNTUK BELAJAR,LATIHAN SOAL.!!! Bikin contekan ato minta tolong dukun tidak disarankan.
2. Psikotes
kalo yg ini modalnya gampang,tetap tenang.karena tes ini m'uji psikologi kita disaat ujian.disini ga ada jwbn benar ato salah.jadi yg abis berantem ma pacar harus tetap tenang,emosi HARUS STABIL!
3. Interview
yah,kalo ini pinter2 kita ngmg aja,tp jgn bohong,membual atau menghina kantor lama/kampus lain.tipsny adalah liat aja komentar politikus indonesia,mrka paling jago pas di interview wartawan,polisi,kejaksaan,mk ato kpk.
4. Tes toefl
kuncinya adalah nonton tv,dgrin lagu berbhsa inggris n latihan soal. Ikut kursus n beli buku tes toefl jg disarankan.
Tapi,ga cuma pintar,lu jg butuh keberuntungan.keberuntungan bisa lu dapet dgn bersungguh2 buat persiapan ujian,belajar n tidak nyontek.
Banyak2 doa jg cukup ampuh menambah keberuntungan.
So,viel glück buat yg mau ikut ujian2 :) toi toi toi!
Ich drücke die daumen ganz ganz ganz fest.
Kamis, 09 September 2010
Lebaran di berlin
Berhubung saat ini masih di jerman, otomatis harus melewati bulan puasa juga. Sempet menjajal puasa di musim panas di jerman (lebih panjang 3-4 jam dari di indonesia), hmm rasanya lumayan, ga terlalu panas (berhubung musim panasnya juga hampir beres), tapi godaannya yang paling mantap. Disini ya bebas, ga ada perbedaan mencolok (ga ada kafe tertutup, resto yang buka dari sore bla3x). Semua berjalan seperti biasa. Alhamdulillah berhasil puasa penuh 30 hari. So tahap berikutnya adalah sholat ied. Entah kenapa, sholat ied di jerman diadain tanggal 08 september, bukan tanggal 09 september. Ah, ya sudah. Pihak KBRI Berlin sudah cetak undangan sholat ied, warum nicht? (knapa ngga?)
Lebaran lumayan seru disini, abis khotbah ied ada makan-makan bareng. Ada nasi goreng, mi goreng, kue kue basah khas indonesia juga ada.
Sedih? Pasti. Jauh dari rumah selama lebih dari 11 bulan. Ah, yang penting hati tetep bahagia.
Irgendwo bleibe ich, bin ich fröhlich.
Lebaran lumayan seru disini, abis khotbah ied ada makan-makan bareng. Ada nasi goreng, mi goreng, kue kue basah khas indonesia juga ada.
Sedih? Pasti. Jauh dari rumah selama lebih dari 11 bulan. Ah, yang penting hati tetep bahagia.
Irgendwo bleibe ich, bin ich fröhlich.
Jumat, 11 Juni 2010
susah kah jadi presiden???
susahkah jadi presiden republik indonesia?
pada awalnya (gue pikir) ya. karena gue pikir ia harus bekerja keras, 24 jam demi negara. tapi kok yang gue rasain, indonesia ga berubah juga, ga lebih baik. orang susah tetep susah, yang kaya tambah kaya. lingkungan rusak, sungai bau (kali rodan ancol contohnya), macet dimana2, transportasi umum ga nyaman, korupsi, dkk.
capek gue mikirin kerusakan di indonesia.
presiden adalah orang yang memimpin negara, orang nomer 1 di indonesia, teratas, tertinggi dan segala yang ter...ter...ter... lainnya. jadi ia punya wewenang mengubah indonesia. tapi kok indonesia ga jadi lebih baik yaaaah???
Gue milih pak s.b.y dengan harapan indonesia mudah2an bisa lebih baik.
Gue inget betapa repotnya bude gue nyiapin tari2an buat menyambut presiden,tapi presiden ga jadi dateng.alhasil bengonglah bude gue.
Gue jadi inget waktu gw masih s.d,hiruk pikuk malem2 pekerja sibuk nambal jalan yang bolong2 deket rumah,soalnya besok ada menteri mau meresmikan sebuah bangunan di komplek rumah gw.itu baru menteri,apalagi presiden. Jadi pak atau ibu presiden,bisa ga anda membuat negara ini lebih baik?
Anda sudah membuat orang disekitar anda repot,kini giliran kami (rakyat indonesia) merepotkan anda! .....
pada awalnya (gue pikir) ya. karena gue pikir ia harus bekerja keras, 24 jam demi negara. tapi kok yang gue rasain, indonesia ga berubah juga, ga lebih baik. orang susah tetep susah, yang kaya tambah kaya. lingkungan rusak, sungai bau (kali rodan ancol contohnya), macet dimana2, transportasi umum ga nyaman, korupsi, dkk.
capek gue mikirin kerusakan di indonesia.
presiden adalah orang yang memimpin negara, orang nomer 1 di indonesia, teratas, tertinggi dan segala yang ter...ter...ter... lainnya. jadi ia punya wewenang mengubah indonesia. tapi kok indonesia ga jadi lebih baik yaaaah???
Gue milih pak s.b.y dengan harapan indonesia mudah2an bisa lebih baik.
Gue inget betapa repotnya bude gue nyiapin tari2an buat menyambut presiden,tapi presiden ga jadi dateng.alhasil bengonglah bude gue.
Gue jadi inget waktu gw masih s.d,hiruk pikuk malem2 pekerja sibuk nambal jalan yang bolong2 deket rumah,soalnya besok ada menteri mau meresmikan sebuah bangunan di komplek rumah gw.itu baru menteri,apalagi presiden. Jadi pak atau ibu presiden,bisa ga anda membuat negara ini lebih baik?
Anda sudah membuat orang disekitar anda repot,kini giliran kami (rakyat indonesia) merepotkan anda! .....
Senin, 24 Mei 2010
kelu adalah sebuah perasaan dimana ketika organ tubuh bernama lidah tidak dapat melakukan fungsinya dengan benar.sama seperti yang gue rasakan,ketika lidah gue kelu,mati rasa,tidak bisa mengucapkan kata kata dengan benar (eng: speechless, ger: sprachloss). Situasi ini gue rasain ketika gue pindah ke dresden. Tidak ada 1 orang indonesia pun (ada,tapi belum sempat ngobrol) disana. Otomatis, ngomongpun harus pake bahasa kedua atau ketiga (jerman dan inggris). Dan yang menjadi masalah adalah ketika gue mau bercakap cakap dengan orang jerman,gue pake bahasa jerman, tapi orang jerman ngomongnya cepet banget dan pengucapannya juga tidak sejelas orang asing yang bicara dengan bahasa jerman. Alhasil,terjadilah kelu. Gue ga bisa ngomong apa apa karena bahasa jerman dan inggris sudah kadung bercampur di kepala.
Minggu, 17 Januari 2010
dachau memorial site
"Je mehr sterben die Leute, desto ist besser."
Its a little words I most remember after visiting Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site (Dachau Konzentrationlager Gedenkstaette/Dachau KZ Gedenkstaette). My mind is open. To consider that Holocaust is real, not a Hoax or Myth.
Its so insane to treat prisoners/soldiers/handicapped people/politicians/Jewish like that. Without any kind of respect to humanity. Dachau is located outside Munchen, Capitol from Bayern Federal State. It takes around 20 minute from Munchen Hauptbahnhof (Munchen Central Train Station) to Dachau Bahnhof (Dachau Train Station). From Dachau Bahnhof there is 2 options, take a Bus or take a walk for 50 minutes. Then I try to take a walk, but I get lost. Before my time are wasted too much, I prefer back to Dachau Bahnhof and take a Bus to Dachau KZ-Gedenkstaette. To take a bus its cheap, not more than 3 euro people can go with it. In front of Dachau Bahnhof there's a Bus Stop. I take to Bus number 726 to KZ-Gedenkstaette. After travelling through the city, then the Bus stop in the KZ-Gedenkstaette bus stop. Usually in Germany, the bus stop signed a big letter H inside a circle like this picture. Next to the sign, there is a Shelter for people waiting the bus and there is a big broad plat from metals, with a writings. Its the sign that Im entering Dachau KZ-Gedenkstaette. From here there is a administration office, for information service, tour service and Audiofuehrung (Audio tour guide). The entry ticket is free, but the Audiofuehrung is 3,5 euro for 1 adult person. But for students is only 2,5 euro. When I borrow, it completed with a map. So, tour is begin.
What is a Concentration Camp?
I learn that the function for Concentration Camp to keep the prisoners from Poland, Cheko Republic etc, to brain washing the opposition and to exterminate races that in Nazi (Nationalsozialisme) opinion is creating Germany suffering the lost in World War I (the Jewish people). Dachau its the first Concentration Camp in Germany. In the past, the size of the complex is big, including barracks for Nazi officer, training camp for Gestapo (Geheim Staatpolizei) Nazi secret agent and SS troops, but today only inside the red line exist.
The first building I passed to enter the KZ-Gedenkstaette is the Main Entrance. When this Camp is used, there is only one enter and exit gate. SS Troops or Prisoners must enter this gate to enter the Camp. But today there is another enter only for Cars.
In the gate fence, there is a words written: "ARBEIT MACHT FREI" As a beginner in German language, I try to translate it. I think there is a lots of translation from that words.
1. Arbeit=working,
2. Macht=makes/power/mighty 3. Frei=freedom.
So the translation is "Working makes (you) free" The prisoners must working on a factory near the camp. The building in the right is the office for the Concentration Camp. Today the office is used as Museum. Inside the Museum people can see how the Nationalsozialismus rise. What is the cause and how is the living inside Concentration Camp. One of the example is the posters of Nazi Party. In this advertisement, it said that "Hitler is the only hope." Yes, in year 1930s, Nazi party is so famous. Hitler give a "hope" to people of Germany, because Germany have to suffer their defeated from World War I. After Nazi party won the Germany election, then the story goes like we already know now. When Nazi party is ruled Germany, they put the Swastika Flag (Nazi party flag) in the tower of Marienplatz, Munchen like in this picture below. Marienplatz is a old building that used for Cityhall. Today it become a important sightseeing place and for a center of crowd for people in Germany and for tourist. Then the tour back to the Concentration Camp. When Nazi conquer a country, for example Poland, then they put the prisoners in Concentration Camp. Before they enter the Camp, the must be in order, their hair must be shaved all and to be sterilized. Nazi and the SS officer is disgust with the Jewish, the Polands etc. Its because of Hilters propaganda about "Arians race" it means that other race is second class and that's why the prisoners must be sterilized. There is once a big sterilizer house, for the prisoners to be sterilized (take bath) and the SS officer is afraid to close to the building. So the sterilizer room is become the secret meeting for the prisoners. But not everyday take a bath, sometimes once a week. In early morning, the prisoners must doing morning ceremony (Appelplatz), standing in the line for hours and hours. If someone is fall, because to tired or sick. The officer will come to him, and the prisoners being beaten. Or if someone is really sick, the will take it to the clinic. But in the clinic, there is not much effort to keep someone who is sick to be healthy. In the clinic the Nazi's doctor is doing experiment on Malaria, Fever etc. Pictures from the barracks
The barracks consist of sleeping room, toilet, and locker room. The sleeping room consist of bunk beds and some table and chairs. The prisoners get mattress, pillow and blanket facilities. The locker facility is to keep prisoners belonging like books, clothes, ID Card etc.
In the museum there is a display of the private belongings of the prisoners like passport, ID Card, photos, plates, cup, fork.
This is the not the bath facility, but only for washing face. There is one of this facility in each barrack. Next to it is the toilet. There is no privacy between prisoners, all is together.
This photo is taken by SS officers. In the information said that the man name Gustav Hinz has hang himself in the bath facility.
The profile of the fence is like has explained above. because its impossible to escape through the gate, so the chance is through the fence. But the fence is have electric shock, not light like in houses, but its high voltage. The victims which has killed by electric shock is shown with this pictures below.
This practice of Concentration Camp is an illegal ways to treat war prisoners. Based on the United Nation Convention for war prisoners, that each war prisoners must be treat in a good way. The Dachau Concentration Camp is the first Camp and its become a role model in other Concentration Camp. The biggest Camp is located in Birkenau, the name of the Camp: Auschwitz.
The purpose of Nazi "Lebensraum" is to expand the room for living for the Arian people. After conquering one country, Nazi send the prisoners to the Concentration Camp. There they will be indoctrinated, forced to work or being exterminated on the Crematorium. In the big map above, stated that there is two crematorium. The first one is smaller. Because more prisoners come, it means that Nazi must terminate the old prisoners, then they build the bigger crematorium, the second crematorium. This picture below is the second crematorium. Because officially the prisoners is scheduled to take a bath, this building is build as an undercover as prisoners other bath places. Before they enter, they have to through disinfectant rooms and then enter the "other" bathroom.
This room is a gas chamber!
one of the easiest way to murder massive people (silent, quick and hi-scale).
after all prisoners are dead, the corpses will be collected in one room.
in this room, all the precious belongings will be taken like gold teeth. One of the pictures inside the museum shows that there is a lot of gold tooth which has been collected from prisoners.
To vanish the corpses, some of it is burried near the camp, or will be transported to other places and burried. But when the amount of prisoners rose, the easiest way to vanish the corpses is by cremating them.
If you notice there is a hook (that i’ve been marked). This hook is used to ties a hanging rope, to hang a prisoners, direct in front of the cremators!
This visit gave me great experience, to appreciate life and each others.
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