Senin, 07 Oktober 2013

JERIN Event 2011, John Rabe movie screening

Blogging about Jerin (personal opinion)

Jerin Festival 2011 (John Rabe).

Pertama tau acara ini gara-gara diajak ma temen yang kerja di Ekonid “eh ada acara nonton film jerman gratis nih di XXI Epicentrum Walk, mau ikut ga?”
“Gratis... Palingan cuma perlu konfirmasi aja berapa orang yang ikutan.”
Acaranya namanya apa gitu, waktu itu lupa sih hehe, isinya ya nonton bareng film jerman di XXI Epicentrum Walk.
Karena gue dulu alumni training InWEnt, organisasi jerman di bidang pelatihan non formal dan lulusnya masih baru (2 tahunan) maka sense of Deutschland bleibt noch im Herz.

Nyampe disana, kira-kira setengah jam sebelum acara masih sepi, baru segelintir orang yang dateng. Beberapa jam sebelum pintu dibuka, ramailah suasana. Pada awalnya seat penonton diatur sesuai dengan nomor yang tertera pada tiket, namun setelah masuk dan penonton terus masuk maka sistem penomeran tempat duduk jadi tidak berlaku. Kalo ga salah ada penonton yang duduk di tangga lorong deh.
Antusiasme penonton cukup tinggi, maka filmnya dimulai.

John Rabe adalah film dokumenter yang berasal dari kisah nyata John Heinrich Detlev Rabe, seorang manager pabrik Siemens di Nanjing  pada era Perang Dunia II, pada saat itu Jerman adalah sekutu dari Jepang, maka pabrik Siemens itu “tergolong“ aman dari serangan tentara Jepang. Namun tentara Jepang kian curiga akan eksistensi pabrik tersebut karena diduga menyembunyikan pasukan tentara China.Filmnya seru, dengan adegan perang yang cukup realistis dan lebih cocok untuk ditonton oleh penonton dewasa.
Konflik fisik dan emosi John Rabe terhadap keagresifan tentara Jepang membuatnya harus berputar otak, apalagi sebenarnya John Rabe tidak mendukung Hitler, memelesetkan "Heil Hitler" menjadi "Heil Hinter" (bokong).

Setelah pemutaran film, ada wawancara singkat sutradara film Florian Gallenberger Yang dipandu oleh teh Nia Dinata. Menurut Florian flm tersebut beberapa adegannya tidak sesuai dengan realita pada saat itu dan menarik juga untuk disimak bahwa saat film tersebut dibuat, banyak warga senior kota Nanking yang masih mengingat jasa John Rabe dalam melindungi rakyat kota Nanking dari serangan tentara Jepang.
Beberapa adegan tidaklah senyata aslinya, dramatisasi diperlukan, eksploitasi kekejaman tentara Jepang pada beberapa adegan tidaklah sekejam di dunia nyata.
Sayangnya di JERIN event 2011 ini gue ga sempet nonton film-film lain (kalo ga salah ada 4-5 festival nonton film berbahasa jerman gratis).
Well done JERIN and other participating agency to hold such event.

Rabu, 02 Oktober 2013

What i thought about free trade agreement

ASEAN FTA and other agreement schemes.

What a coincidence i wrote about this topic, its complicated, boring and its a conceptual agreement that occured in the cloud (my words for high government policies, offices, bureaucrats etc.), its not down to earth and tangible as i usually wrote about.

ASEAN free trade agreement and other agreement is an agreement was composed in order to ease goods transfer from one country to other, will less barrier. Whats the point of it? 

As ASEAN countries progress their development, bureaucracy and economy, ASEAN free trade only become misery to countries that left behind its bureaucracy.
With ASEAN FTA, it become more cheaper to deliver cars from Thailand to Surabaya than before. 

Only a few companies eager to build businesses in least progressive countries like Indonesia and Cambodia than put its feet/representative/plant/ headquarter in Malaysia, Singapore or Thailand. There are more conducive, more investment friendly, most attractive, most sexy, politically stable etc.
So Indonesia as the most populated ASEAN country only become the market, but the plant is in other country. The analogy to EU, Indonesia has its population size like Germany (the motor of EU), but Singapore has its GDP size. 

As Indonesia is craving for foreign investment, other neighbour are sexier in terms of infrastructure, bureaucracy, labour dispute and security. So? 

By invite businesses build plants in Indonesia, it will also increase Indonesias economic value. "Hey, our economy is good cos Toyota has plant here bla3x..."

Common people/ general
public wont feel the misery, common people will enjoy "more affordable" cars (if the price is decreasing, but i have doubt on it), more affordable and good quality imported products etc.

Those misery are felt by economic experts, businessmen and the government in the election. Opposition or pressure group will emphasize this "failure" to build own economy to gain vote.

Solution? Either fixed the license process in regional level, rebuild the infrastructure or enjoy the misery deeper.

2014 will be the judgement year for ruling party, due to trade deficit /misery that runs deeper.